The Government of Haryana has set up the first Government Medical College for girls after independence at Khanpur Kalan in District Sonepat. The interested candidates may apply and get an opportunity to serve this prestigious college.
1 | Professor (7 posts): Cardiology (GC-1), Medical Gastroenterology (GC-1) Urology (GC-1) Neurosurgery (GC-1), Med. Oncology (GC-1), Plastic Surgery (GC-1) Paedetric Surgery (GC-1) | Professor ( 08 Posts)- Gen. Medicine-(GC-1) Paediatrics (GC-1) , Radio diagnosis – (GC-1) Respiratory Medicine (GC-1), Orthopaedics (GC-1) , Dermatology (GC-1), Ophthalmology (GC-1), Psychiatry (GC-1) , | 62 years | 37400-67000+10000GP+NPA 25% of basic pay+DA |
2 | Associate Professors (5posts): Cardiology (GC-1) Med. Gastroenterology (GC-1) Urology (GC-1) Neurosurgery (GC-1), Medical Oncology (GC-1) | Associate Professors (11 posts) Microbiology (GC-1),Dermatology (GC-1), G. Medicine (GC-1, SC-1), ENT(GC-1), G. Surgery (GC-1, SC-1) Obst & Gynae-(GC-1), Ophthalmology (GC-1) Anatomy (GC-1), Forensic Medicine(GC-1) | 25 years to 55 years | 37400-67000+8700GP+ NPA +DA |
3 | Assistant Professors (4 post): Cardiology (GC-1) Medical Gastroenterology (GC-1) Medical Oncology (GC-1) Plastic Surgery (GC-1) | Assistant Professors (13 post): G.Surgery (SC-1, GC-1), Paediatrics (GC-1, SC-1), Ophthalmology (GC-1), Microbiology (GC-1) Obst. & Gynae (SC-1), Res. Medicine (SC-1), Gen. Medicine (GC-1, SC-1) Anaesthesia (GC-2, SC-1) | 25 years to 55 years | 15600-39100+6600GP+NPA+ DA |
4 | Senior Residents (7 posts): (Tenure post) Cardiology (GC-1) Medical Gastroenterology (GC-1) Urology(GC-1) Neurosurgery (GC-1), Medical Oncology (GC-1), Paediatric surgery (GC-1) Plastic Surgery (GC-1) | Senior Residents (30 posts): Tenure posts) Gen. Surgery (GC-3, SC-2), G. Medicine (GC-3, SC-1) Paediatrics(GC-1,SC-1) Ophthalmology(SC-1,GC-1) Respiratory Medicine –(GC-2), Obst & Gynae-(SC-1), Orthopaedics GC-1,(SC-1) Radio-diagnosis (GC-3, SC-1) Anaesthesiology (GC-6, SC-2) | 25 years to 55 years | 18600-20100+6000GP+NPA+ DA (MD/MS), 17440-18840+5400GP+NPA+ DA(Diploma/Tenure completion for three year) |
5 | Demonstrators/Tutors(Tenure post) | Demonstrators/Tutors (10 posts): Biochemistry-( BC-1,SC-1) Community Medicine- (GC-2,SC-1) Physiology (SC-1) Anatomy ( SC-1) Pharmacology (SC-1) Microbiology- (GC-1,SC-1 | 25 years to 55 years | FOR PG (MD) DEGREE HOLDER -Rs.18600-20100+ Rs.6000(GP) +25% NPA +Allowances FOR PG( MD)- TENURE COMPLETION OF THREE YEARS & NON PG (MBBS/M.Sc.) Rs,17440 – 18840+ Rs5400(GP) +Allowances |
6 | Medical officers (Non Promotional) | 1.Maternity and Child welfare officer cum Assistant Profesor (GC-1) 2. Antenatal Medial Officer cum Assistant Profesor (GC-1) | 25 years to 55 years | 9300- 34800+5400GP+Allowances |
7 | Causality Medical Officer | CMO –(SC-2, GC-1) | 25 years to 55 years | 9300- 34800+5400GP+Allowances |
Special allowance of Rs. 20,000/- for Post Graduate Doctors and Rs. 8000/- for MBBS Doctors will be given
The application form complete in all respects including demand draft of Rs.500/- for General Category and Rs. 250/- for reserved (SC/ST) categories in favor of Director, B.P.S. Govt. Medical College for Women Khanpur Kalan Sonepat payable at Gohana, should reach in the office of Director, B.P.S. Govt. Medical College For Women, Khanpur Kalan, Sonepat, Haryana on or before 31.8.2015 (4.00 P.M.) and for remote areas on or before 7.09.2015 (4.00 P.M.) through Registered/ Speed Post only. The applications incomplete/ without the Demand Draft will be rejected. The form and other details may be had from the Institute’s website The institute will not be responsible for non-receipt/late receipt of applications send by the candidates due to postal delay/loss of transit.
No person shall be appointed to any advertised post in the Service by direct recruitment who is less than twenty-five years or more than fifty years of age for the post of Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Senior Resident, Demonstrator, where as for the post of Professor upper age limit is 62 years on or before the first day of the month next preceding the last date of submission of applications to the Selection Committee: Provided that the Government may in the case of persons with outstanding qualifications and experience and in the exigencies of smooth functioning of the new college, relax the age limit. Relaxation of age limit for SC/ST/OBC/ExServiceman/Handicapped/disabled candidates & Govt. Servants will be allowed as per Govt. of Haryana rules.
Reservation as per policy of State Govt. of Haryana.
- These posts will be governed by service rules issued by the Govt. of Haryana.
- The qualification & experience will be counted up to the last date of receipt of applications.
- Details of the Research Work/Publications(in annotated form) indicating index/non index along with attested copies and best five research works along with citations supported by relevant documents must also be furnished. Any other relevant outstanding National/ international achievements in the profession supported by documents, if any, must also be supplied.
- Non-Medical Teachers will not be entitled to NPA.
- The candidate already in Govt./ Semi Govt./ Corporation or Autonomous Body Service should apply through proper channel and the candidate (he/ she) send an advance copy of the application to avoid delay but the application through proper channel must reach in due course of time. Such candidate will have to produce “No Objection Certificate” from his/ her parent department / employer at the time of interview otherwise he / she will not be allowed to appear for interview.
- Submission of incomplete application i.e. without attested copies of testimonials/ academic career, experience certificate/ attempt certificate may render the candidate ineligible.
- Numbers of posts are liable to be increased or decreased. The decision of the Selection Committee shall be final. Selection Committee reserves the right to reject or accept any candidate without assigning any reason thereof.
- Canvassing of any kind will be a disqualification.
- The candidate has to submit separate applications if he/she desires to apply for more than one post.
- Metropolitan style Campus accommodation.
- Learning Resource allowance at Rs.20,000/- per annum Conveyance allowance @ 1650/- per month.
Academic Allowance @ 2500/- per month will be given to Professors, Assoc.Profs. & Asstt. Profs. only.
- Other allowances as admissible to the faculty of Pt. B.D. Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak, Haryana