DM M Ch after MD MS

After a lot of hard work to clear PG medical entrance exams, students have to face another hurdle after getting a good rank. That hurdle is to choose a good PG specialty branch. Nowadays after doing MD/MS, it has become almost a necessity to do DM/M.Ch as PG seats are increasing every year and so is the competition.

I am enlisting here the MD/MS courses by doing which the students could get into the respective DM/M.Ch courses.

Different States and institutes have different criteria on which super-specialty courses can be done by doing which MD/MS courses. 90% of these criteria are the same in all institutes or states so students have to manually check their respective states of allowed super-specialty courses.

More important than State and Institute rules are MCI Regulations. It mentions all details of all DM/ M. Ch courses and prerequisite MD/ MD courses for a candidate to be eligible for super specialty courses.

The following are MD courses which are the prerequisite for DM courses according to MCI PG Medical Regulation 2000 (click here for pdf).

MCI Rule: D.M. (DOCTOR OF MEDICINE) for which candidates must posses recognized degree of M.D. (or its equivalent recognized degree) in the subject

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