Maharashtra Association of Resident Doctors (MARD) has written a letter to Hon. Dr. J.P. Nadda, Centra Health Minister of Gov. of India as a Proposal to increase postgraduate degree admission in govt. medical colleges.
In the letter, central MARD appreciates efforts of the government to increase M.B.B.S seats. In view of the dearth of qualified Post Graduate doctors hampering patient care in Maharashtra, there is urgent need to increase P.G seats also to improve patient care in medical Colleges.
MARD feels that this can be done at no extra cost to government if following facts are noticed.
- In 2013, M.B.B.S course admission capacity was raised by UPA government in concurrence with M.C.I without conducting a prior inspection.
- If same procedure is initiated by Central government one-time increase in admission capacity for MD/MS course is possible.
- According to supreme court judgement dated 6/08/2015 Honorable Justice Anil R Dave and Honorable Justice Kurian Joseph had given clear cut observation on page no. 13 that MCI act does not provide for recognition of the increased admission capacity in a recognized medical college for a recognized course. They also stated that even related regulations of MCI 2000 also do not contemplate such a requirement.
- For example the possibility of an increase in PG seats at SRTR GMC will raise of 69 from present 34.
- In the view of earlier designs of increase in undergraduate capacity and Honorable Supreme Court, observations mentioned above Central MARD demands the government to take positive action for implementation of an increase in postgraduate admission capacity.
- The procedure required is issuing essentiality certificate from state govt and related university approval, both of which are to be submitted to the ministry of Health and family welfare govt of India.
- MCI approval for a onetime increase in seats for postgraduates has to be sought. Then Ministry of health can issue a letter to respective medical college regarding permission to increase postgraduate admission capacity in related subjects.
Benefits of This Procedure according to MARD are:
- No MCI inspection before an increase in PG intake capacity.
- No MCI inspection required as per act and supreme court observations.
- Onetime increase in PG seats will be permanent.
- No money needed for infrastructure.
- No extra faculty (Medical teachers) required.
- The beneficiaries are primarily all MBBS students in India and their families.
- The ultimate beneficiary will be the common man who can’t afford healthcare in corporate hospitals and who can get speciality healthcare at his doorstep because of increase post graduate seats in future.