Whether installation of CCTV in the Clinic has become a must for Medicos ?.
I overheard this incidence from one of the Doctor and thought I must share with you so that you may take necessary precaution. The CCTV in Hospitals is a common thing, but the following incident will make the Private clinic runners think over it… Well, this happened may be 2-3 months back. A lady patient was referred by a physician to a Psychiatrist. There were two cabins in the clinic of the psychiatrist. In one cabin Junior Doctor was dealing with other patients and in another cabin, that lady was sitting before the Sr. Psychiatrist. The waiting area was filled up with other patients. The lady came out from the cabin and started shouting that the Sr. Doctor tried to outrage her modesty. The Doctor also came out and pleaded innocence and refuted all the allegations and vouched for his credibility and his vast experience in the field. The Jr. Doctor who was sitting inside the abutting cabin also submitted that there was no any kind of noise he heard from the cabin of the Sr. Doctor. The Sr. doctor then called the Doctor who referred the patient. The referring Doctor said, Why the patient would be lying? What is the proof of your innocence? Did you install CCTV? Another Important fact: – The Sr. Doctor was once requested by the said referring Doctor for issuing a Mental health certificate for her husband, which the Sr. Doctor refused to do…. Between the husband of the lady also threatened the Doctor of dire consequences… From these facts,
Another Important fact: – The Sr. Doctor was once requested by the said referring Doctor for issuing a Mental health certificate for her husband, which the Sr. Doctor refused to do…. Between the husband of the lady also threatened the Doctor of dire consequences… From these facts, a number of questions struck to my mind.. even if we presume the Doctor was guilty or not, the fact remains as to whether CCTV now to be installed in the consulting room of Doctor? Whether it is possible in case of Doctors of all the specialties? Does it depend upon whether a Doctor is a Male or Female? At least in the main consulting room, barring the check-up cabin can it be installed? Even if one denies the entire facts, still the possibility of such incident happening with any one of you can never be ruled out. So if it is possible ass per your specialty, then do install a CCTV and take a written consent from the patient about CCTV installation. Medicos to ponder over it… Thanks and Regards Adv. Rohit Erande Pune