Director of Medical Education and Research (DMER), Mumbai, Maharashtra has published seat position (seat matrix) in Govt./Corp./Central Govt./Pvt. Medical Colleges for Vacancy After Round 2/ Not Joined/ Cancelled/ AI Surrendered seats for Maharashtra PGM CET 2015.
Click on the following link or check this posts attachments to download the list:
PGD-CET 2015- Seat Position for Personal Counseling Round as on date 31.05.2015
List includes both seats from state quota and seats surrendered back from All India quota. In total 14 seats are available for personal counseling round out of which from state quota 10 seats and 4 seats reverted back from All India quota.
Update: DMER has also published final vacancy position and list of eligible non-eligible candidates lists for personal counseling round. Click on following links to download the respective lsits:
PGD-CET 2015 – Eligible and Not Eligible Candidates List for Personal Counseling Round
PGD-CET 2015 – Final Vacancy Position for Personal Counseling Round as on date 02.06.2015