Director of Medical Education and Research (DMER) , Mumbai, Maharashtra has published PGM-CET 2014 Vacancy Position as per Notification,Combined Display of Vacancy, Seats Excluding PWD Quota (04/07/2014). List includes all vacant seats after 1st round of PGM-CET 2014 counseling and seats which have been surrendered back to state after extended 3rd round of counseling.
Here is a comparison of published list to last year NEET PGM 2013 counseling.
[table id=31 /]Above list 2013 AI quota comparison is to final vacancy list and this year AI seats might increase after PWD seats are transferred back to states. As the list says “There are few All India PWD quota seats, which are reverted back to State quota. In view of this development, there will be Personal Counselling Round for eligible PWD candidates on 7th July 2014 at 12:00 noon. The vacant PWD quota seats will be surrendered on 7th July 2014 at 1:00 p.m., instead of 4th July, 2014 to the state quota”. Counseling for PWD candidates will be held on Monday, 07/07/2014 at 12.00 noon for All eligible PWD candidates. Official notice for PWD candidates can be found here.
To download vacancy list of MH PGM-CET 2014 as on 04/07/2014 check the post attachments or click here.