POSTGRADUATE INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL EDUCATION & RESEARCH (PGIMER), CHANDIGARH has posted an advertisement for detailed schedule of PGIMER Exam for MD/ MS courses for 1st January, 2015 admission session.
Seat Matrix
Applications are invited for admission process for MD/ MS seats in following specialities:
Anesthesia, Biochemistry, Community Medicine, Dermatology, ENT, Forensic Medicine, Internal Medicine, Medical Microbiology, Nuclear Medicine, Obst & Gynae, Ophthalmology, Ortho Surgery, Pathology, Pediatrics, Pharmacology, Psychiatry, Radiodiagnosis, Radiotherapy, General Surgery and Transfusion Medicine.
In total 56 seats are available. Reservation for General, RA (Rural Area), PWD (Person with Disability), SC (Schedule Caste), ST (Schedule Tribe), OBC (Other Backward Classes), Sponsored, FN (Foreign National) and Bhutanese nationals will be as applicable.
Important Dates:
Tentative Date of Examination is on 16.11.2014 ( SUNDAY).
Dates for downloading of Prospectus/ Application form from 10.09.2014 to 14.10.2014.
Dates for generating the Challan form from 10.09.2014 to 10.10.2014 (23:59 hours) and the State Bank of India will accept the fees upto 14.10.2014.
The last date of receipt of applications is 14.10.2014. (up to 5.00 P.M.)
How to Apply
Application form can be downloaded and filled from PGI website i.e.
Candidates can go to any Branch of State Bank of India with the fee Payment Challan duly filled in and pay the prescribed Application Fee in the “Power Jyoti” PUL current account of PGIMER. The Challan form is required to be filled up in the name of Director, PGIMER, Chandigarh
(Examination) in the Power Jyoti Account No. 32211613319 and those candidates who have SBI account can also pay their fee through i-collect service of SBI and I-collect Account No. is 32222954695. In that case the INB reference No. will have to be mentioned instead of Challan
No. in the application form. The fees for GENERAL/ OBC/OPH candidates is Rs.1000/- and for SC/ST Rs.800/- (indicating category i.e. General or SC/ST). (The candidates should write his/her Name, Address, contact number and course name in which he /she apply, on the back side of Challan form).
The candidate should ensure that they submit the OFFLINE application immediately after payment of fee, since the same is non-refundable. No representation/ request/ demand for refund of application fee will be entertained if the candidate fails to apply within the stipulated time after payment of application fee.
The application along with copies of certificates duly attested in support of educational qualification(s), experience, age/date of birth certificate, caste certificate, Fresh OBC certificate,challan form and NOC from the present employer, if employed should be sent through Registered Post or Speed Post to the Registrar, PGIMER, Sector-12, Chandigarh-160012. The application received through Courier/ Ordinary Postal Dak etc. are not acceptable. The PGIMER will not be responsible for any postal delay.
The candidates completing internship after 31.12.2014 are not eligible.
Click here for more information and to view official notification