Allotment list for Round 3 of AIPGMEE 2014 counseling is out on Medical Counseling Committee (MCC) website.

Check this post attachment to download the list or click here

Candidates who have been allotted the seat in round 3 of AIPG counseling have to report to allotted institute from 10th June (Tuesday) 2014 to 19th June (Thursday), 2014 (Up to 5:00 PM, as per server time). On 19th June after given time vacant seats will be transferred to state quota for respective state’s final round (personal counseling round for some state) PG medical counseling.

In case a candidate is not allotted any seat in the third round he/she will retain earlier allotted seat i.e seat allotted in either 1st or 2nd round. Before joining newly allotted institute candidates have to get a relieving letter from the earlier institute/ college generated on-line.

List includes data of candidates who got their seat upgraded, retained seat allotted in previous round (Round 2 and 3) and those who have not been allotted seat either due to choice not being available or non participating in round 3. Round 3 Choice Submission was on 31st May (Saturday) 2014 – 3rd June( Tuesday ) 2014, Exercising of Choices and Locking on 4th June (Wednesday)  and 2014 and process of seat allotment for round 3 was from 5th June (Thursday) 2014 – 8th June (Sunday) 2014.
