This video from Dr. Trupti Gilada-Baheti sums up helplessness of doctors in 2nd wave which has hit India very badly.
Tag Archives: Video
Doctors in India (meaning only those of modern scientific medicine) are victims of massive state-sponsored propaganda for the last few decades. The constant and persistent high-decibel hammering from every pulpit recognisable has had its effect on the general public, which is gullible enough not to differentiate propaganda from fact. Gradually, the public sentiment too has […]
JJ Hospital residents doctors have released a notification saying that they are calling off emergency services. In view of the previous letter dated 19/05/18, MARD/35/2018 we had intimated your office that all the residents will be calling off emergency services at 10:00 AM on 20/05/18 due to the sluggish response shown to us by the higher […]
Shocking video of JJ hospital resident doctor in general surgery being Beaten up by 4 relatives of a patient. Alleged reason for this incidence is death of the patient for which relatives held doctor responsible. Following is the response of JJ hospital, Maharashtra Association of Resident Doctors (MARD). Residents doctors have gone on strike for […]
Reportedly a camera was found in the obstetrics Operation theatre (OT) female changing room on 19/08/2016 by a first-year resident doctor from the emergency unit with recording on it. The phone had been strategically placed in a cardboard box hanging from the wall meant for used OT caps. This box had holes in it for the […]
This is a video tutorial on how to do block randomization in clinical trials/ studies. This is a very common way of randomization in research studies. I have explained mainly of block randomization of a group of 2 in Microsoft excel. I have also mentioned briefly about block randomization with a group of 4. Steps […]
In this video tutorial, I will show all of you how to do randomization of samples by Random Allocation method while doing a clinical study/ clinical trial. I will do this in Microsoft Excel Sheet so that researchers will not need any randomization software’s to do the work. I have created a Microsoft Excel sheet […]
A patient lost her life after Unwanted Hysterectomy, costed Rs.10 lakhs to Doctors.… case of MADAN LAL & ORS V/s. DR. R.K. CHAUDHARY & ANR . Facts in Short : Case of the Complainant : 1) The deceased patient i.e. wife of the Complainant, 37 years of age, was taking treatment for abdominal pains. […]
A patient lost her life after Unwanted Hysterectomy, cost Rs.10 lakhs to Doctors.… The case of MADAN LAL & ORS V/s. DR. R.K. CHAUDHARY & ANR . Facts in Short : Case of the Complainant : 1) The deceased patient i.e. wife of the Complainant, 37 years of age, was taking treatment for abdominal […]
Strike of JJ hospital resident doctors continues even on the 3rd day. It is widely reported in media about the strike/ mass bunk of resident doctors. Resident doctors are demanding the resignation of Dean, Dr. TP Lahane and Ophthalmology department HOD, Dr. Ragini Parekh. This is in view of the mental torture and no teaching by […]
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