
Indian Railway Medical Service

Ministry of Railways (Railway Board)


(Vacancy No. 15081133122)

Job Post : Assistant Divisional Dental Surgeons

No of Posts : 13 (SC-02, ST- 01, OBC-04 & UR-06)

The posts are permanent.

Pay Scale: Rs.15,600 – 39,100 (PB- 3) + Rs. 5,400 (Grade Pay) plus Non Practicing Allowance as admissible under the Rules (T.E. Rs.44,730/- Approx.) + TA and HRA as admissible.

General Central Service, Group ‘A’, Gazetted, Non-Ministerial.

Age: 35 yrs.


  • A Degree included in Part I or Part II of Schedule to the Dentist’s Act, 1948 (Act 16 of 1948).
  • Should be registered with a Dental Council.


(B) EXPERIENCE: Three years’ experience of dental work in a hospital or in private practice.

DESIRABLE: Post graduate qualifications in dentistry from a recognized University or equivalent.

DUTIES: The duties assigned to Assistant Divisional Dental Surgeon are clinical, curative and preventive dental treatment & any duty assigned by the administration.

HQ: New Delhi with liability to serve anywhere on Indian Railways.

ANY OTHER CONDITIONS: The incumbents recruited to the posts shall be liable to serve in the Defence Services. Every person appointed to the post shall, if so required, be liable to serve in any defence service or post connected with the defence of India, for a period of not less than four years including the period, if any on training : Provided that any such persons: (a) shall not be required to serve as aforesaid after the expiry of ten years from the date of such appointment. (b) shall not ordinarily be required to serve as aforesaid after attaining the age of forty five years.