JAWAHARLAL INSTITUTE OF POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH (JIPMER), PUDUCHERRY has published an advertisement for recruitment of 26 Junior residents (NPG).
No. of Posts: Total 26 posts ((UR –14: OBC –01: SC –05: ST-06)
i) A Registered Medical Graduate of a Recognized University
ii) Should have completed one year compulsory Internship.
Age: No upper age limit
Salary: B/Pay Rs.15, 600+5,400 GP (revised scale) per month with other allowances inclusive of NPA as admissible under rules.
Interested and Eligible candidates may attend the Written test/Interview to be held on 22.05.2014 (08.30 A.M) at Hunter Theatre, Ground Floor, Institute Block, JIPMER, Puducherry -06 alongwith filled in application in the prescribed format (appended) along with the following certificates in original and an attested copy thereof and a Demand Draft for Rs.500/ for General and OBC candidates and Rs.250/- for SC/ST candidates drawn in favour of Accounts Officer, JIPMER, Puducherry-06. No fee is payable by Differently Abled candidates.
i) Age proof (Birth certificate/10th /12th Std Mark sheet)
ii) MBBS/BDS Degree with no. of attempts certificate
iii) Medical Council/Dental Council Registration Certificate
iv) Internship Completion Certificate
v) Latest SC/ST/OBC (Creamy Layer)Certificate (format appended),
if he/she belongs to SC/ST/OBC, issued by the Revenue Officer
not below the rank of Thasildar. In case the certificate is in
regional language, the English version of the certificate duly
attested by a Gazetted Officer is also to be furnished.
vi) “No objection Certificate” from the present employer, if
For more details click on following link