RAJIV GANDHI SUPER SPECIALITY HOSPITAL SOCIETY has invited applications for recruitment of doctors for the posts of Senior residents and Junior residents in various departments of RAJIV GANDHI SUPER SPECIALITY HOSPITAL TAHIRPUR, DELHI -110093.
Senior Resident in Cardiology (1 post) and Gastroenterology (2 posts) department and 1 post of Junior resident.
Rs.15600-39100 + GP Rs.6600/- + Allowances
Date of Interview
Walk-in-Interview will be held from 10.00 AM to 01.00 PM on 16.06.2014.
Terms & Condition
Posts of SR Gastroenterology and JR are On Regular basis for a period of three years and post of SR Cardiology is Against Leave Vacancy on Adhoc basis for a period of 89 days.
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