NATIONAL TUBERCULOSIS INSTITUTE (NTI), Bangalore has invited application for the posts of TB Specialist, Senior Microbiologist & HR Consultant on contractual basis.
Job Profile:
- TB Specialist: As Facilitator during training programmes conducted at NTI. To support in organization of training activities. To co-ordination with CTD, State TB Cells, STDCs partners of RNTCP for HRD related issues. To participate in updating of training materials, and guidelines. To support training activities conducted by the STDCs. As member of Internal Evaluation team. Perform any other duty assigned by Director.
- Senior Microbiologist: 1. To handle day-to-day correspondence in National Reference Laboratory pertaining to Culture and DST. 2. To conduct on-site evaluation of Laboratories under RNTCP and submit periodic reports to CTD. 3. To implement SOPs in NRL, revision of SOPs as per program need incorporating newer technology. 4. Provide technical support in expansion of the full range of activities under the external quality assessment (EQA) for sputum smear microscopy and mycobacterial culture and drug susceptibility testing. 5. Support in planning and scaling up of quality assured mycobacterial culture and drug susceptibility testing (DST) for MDR TB management and drug resistance surveillance. 6. To provide on the job training to the laboratory technicians in NRL. 7. To engage maintenance agencies for NRL equipments and monitor their performance. 8. To assist and monitor implementation of lab QA in States, in coordination with respective microbiologist (IRL& EQA) for all technologies (LJ, LC, LPA, CBNAAT). 9. To coordinate with partner organizations engaged in infrastructure development or culture / DST capacity development of NRL. 10. To oversee data entry of Direct Microscopy/CDST labs into the TB ICT application (NIKSHAY). 11. To provide timely feedback to CTD on performance of laboratories under RNTCP. 12. To facilitate change management with respect to use of ICT & Nikshay tools for concerned data entry, validation & its use for public health action. 13. Any other tasks assigned as per program needs.
- HR Consultant: 1. Co-ordination of HRD activities between NTI and CTD, State TB Cells, STDCs other partners like WHO, The Union, SAARC, FIND, PATH etc, for planning and management of various training programmes. 2. Assist in training need assessment in RNTCP in consultation with CTD, STC, STDC and other partners based on supervision, Internal evaluation and Quarterly performance reports. This information has to be collected and collated. 3. Role as facilitator for various training programmes. 4. Assist in the preparation of Annual Training Calendar. 5. Assist in organizing training programmes, workshops and meetings. 6. Assist in updating modules, guidelines and documents and SOPs. ,He has to organize consensus workshops involving National and International experts. 7. Assist in the preparation and maintenance of HRD database of various functionaries of RNTCP by collecting and coating information from State TB Cells. 8. Maintains inventory of trainers available to support states for organizing training programmes. 9. Assist in evaluating training activities. 10. To facilitate change management with respect to use of ICT & Nikshay tools for concerned data entry, validation & its use for public health action. 11. Any other tasks assigned as per program needs.
Number of Posts: 1 post for each profile
Educational Qualifications:
- TB Specialist: MBBS with post-graduate degree or diploma in T.B/Tuberculosis and Chest diseases.
- Senior Microbiologist: MBBS with MD degree in Microbiology or MSc in Microbiology with PhD. At least three years of experience in a laboratory performing Mycobacterial culture and DST.
- HR Consultant: MBBS from a recognized University.
Last date of Application: 04/04/2014
How to Apply: The application duly filled, may be submitted to the Director, National Tuberculosis Institute, No. 8, Bellary Road, Bangalore – 560003 or by email to [email protected] so as to reach on or before 5.00 p.m. of 04-04-2014.
To download pdf file of notification for more details click here.