POSTGRADUATE INSIITUIE OF MEDICAL EDUCATION & RESEARCH CHANDIGARII has published ADMISSION NOTICE NO. 109/2016 for inviting online applications for the Entrance Examination for admission to MD/MS courses of the PGIMER, Chandigarh for January, 2017
Dates for submission of online applications and Generation of Challan forms/payment from i-collect is from 15.09.2016 to 15.10.2016, however State Bank of India will accept the fees of those applicants whose challan form is generated on or before 15.10.2016 up to 15:59 hours on 21.10.2016.
For the purpose of information brochure/prospectus, the number of seats and further detailed information etc. please visit the The candidates are requested to visit the PGI website regularly for all subsequent changes/ updation for entrance examination/ communications/ addendum/ corrigendum.